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Movie La dictadura perfecta (2014)

La dictadura perfecta

Original name: La dictadura perfecta
Slogan: «La televisión ya puso un Presidente... ¿Lo volverá a hacer?»
Genre: драма, комедия
Year: 2014
Country: Мексика
Director: Луис Эстрада
Cast: Дамиан Алькасар, Альфонсо Эррера, Хоакин Косио, Освальдо Бенавидес, Сильвия Наварро, Флавио Медина, Сауль Лисасо, Тони Далтон, Сальвадор Санчес, Энрике Арреола
World Premiere: 16 октября 2014
Duration: 143 мин. / 02:23
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.2 rating 0
2020-03-08 05:34:21
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 05:34 Views: 0 Comments: 0
TV MX, the most powerful Mexican Television Corporation, discloses a scandalous story involving Governor Carmelo Vargas in serious crimes and illicit business. Governor Vargas worried about his political future, decides to clean his image and negotiates a billionaire secret agreement with the owners of the TV Corporation. Carlos Rojo, an ambitious young news producer, and Ricardo Diaz, TV network star reporter, are responsible for making a dirty campaign to change the image the public has of the corrupt Governor and make him, at any cost, a political star and a great presidential candidate. Mexican Television believes that democracy is a farce and has already placed one President... Will they do it again? Written by Anonymous

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