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Movie The Devil's Woods (2015)

The Devil's Woods

Original name: The Devil's Woods
Slogan: «Don't go down to the woods today!»
Genre: ужасы
Year: 2015
Country: Ирландия
Director: Энтони Уайт
Cast: Энтони Уайт, Стивен Кромуэлл, Эйн Куинн, Каоиме Кэссиди, Эйдан О. Салливан, Аоифе Кинг, Роксанна Жозефин, Сандра Хейден Мэйсон, Иштар Дарлингтон, Ричард Мэйсон
Budget: €800
World Premiere: 24 октября 2015
Duration: 73 мин. / 01:13
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.1 rating 0
2020-03-07 15:02:14
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 15:02 Views: 0 Comments: 0
A group of friends trying to repair their strained relationships decide to spend the weekend camping at a music festival. En route they stop off at a small town in the middle of rural Ireland. However, this seemingly idyllic country town is darkened by a history of strange events. Can a town that is inherently evil literally tear them apart? Can they survive. - The Devil's Woods.

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