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Movie Mayday (2020)


Original name: Mayday
Slogan: «Mam jeden problem... dwie zony»
Genre: мелодрама, комедия
Year: 2020
Country: Польша
Director: Сэм Акина
Cast: Петр Адамчик, Diana Baczkowska, Alicja Baran, Mariusz Bindula, Tomasz Blasiak, Дорота Бохенек, Кшиштоф Чечот, Войцех Червинский, Mariusz Dabrowski, Анна Дерешовска
World Premiere: 10 января 2020
Duration: 114 мин. / 01:54
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.3 rating 0
2020-06-04 18:06:46
Added: Only-HD Date: 04 June 2020, 18:06 Views: 2 Comments: 0
Janek, who has two wives, skillfully maneuvers between them. The risk that one of his loved ones will learn about a double relationship increases dramatically and every lie will have colossal effects.

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