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Series Jezero (2019)


Original name: Jezero
Slogan: «How do you find a killer when you don't know who has been murdered?»
Genre: криминал
Year: 2019
Country: Словения
Director: Клемен Дворник, Matevz Luzar
Cast: Себастьян Кавацца, Nika Rozman, Matej Puc, Грегор Чушин, Яна Зупанчич, Бранко Заврсан, Матьяж Трибусон, Наташа Барбара Грачнер, Владо Новак, Бранко Стурбей
World Premiere: 21 августа 2019
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.5 rating 0
2020-05-13 01:30:50
Added: Only-HD Date: 13 May 2020, 01:30 Views: 3 Comments: 0
Driving home from a New Year's Eve party, Chief Inspector Taras Birsa notices a police car by the road. He stops, and inadvertently gets involved in an investigation of a brutal murder of a young woman.

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