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Series The Reaping (2017)

The Reaping

Original name: The Reaping
Genre: триллер, криминал, драма
Year: 2017
Country: Италия
Director: Roberto D'Antona
Cast: Erica Verzotti, Кристиан Иансанте, Matteo Dionisio, Alex D'Antona, Alessandro Carnevale Pellino, Fabrizio Ariatta, Virginia Risso, Федерико Мариотти, Davide Scarangella, Denis Frison
World Premiere: 21 февраля 2017
Duration: 59 мин. / 0:59
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.4 rating 0
2020-05-29 15:51:41
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 15:51 Views: 2 Comments: 0
The peace of a small town is going to be upset. Through a series of coincidences, acts of violence and corruption, unexpected truths will be revealed and the lives of nine people become intertwined thanks to sudden and stunning changes.

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