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Movie Best Friend's Betrayal (2019)

Best Friend's Betrayal

Genre: триллер
Year: 2019
Country: Канада
Director: Дэнни Дж. Бойл
Cast: Мэри Грилл, Ванесса Уолш, Джейм М. Каллика, Бритт Маккиллип, Мэтт Хэмилтон, Britt Loder, Жослин Отт, Патрик Райнхарт, Apollo Scott, Nevis Unipan,
World Premiere: 13 января 2019
Duration: 87 мин. / 01:27
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.1 rating 0
2020-03-08 03:59:16
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 03:59 Views: 2 Comments: 0
Best friends Katie and Jess are inseparable and have always had each other's backs. When Jess begins a new serious relationship, Katie is unsure of the new perfect man and famous crime writer, Nick. She wants to support her friend's newfound happiness but is fiercely protective. Katie's obsession with Jess soon proves deadly and it is up to the recently vilified Nick to expose the bestie before it is too late.

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