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Movie Scrape (2013)


Slogan: Kick. Hit. Scream.
Genre: триллер, детектив, ужасы
Year: 2013
Country: США
Director: Дерек Джонсон
Cast: Рик ЛаКур, Гаррет Критхоф, Нина Леон, Алек Джонсон, Пенни Харвилл, Лорна Стрит Допсон, Кэти Уокер, Джена Валдрон, Хезер Блум, Kaka Birmingham
World Premiere: 5 марта 2013
Duration: 80 мин. / 1:20
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating4.4 rating 1.5
2020-03-31 20:33:21
Added: Only-HD Date: 31 March 2020, 20:33 Views: 3 Comments: 0
Barry Sagan is a pleasant man. He loves photography, scrapbooking, and doesn't have many friends. Mick Hedgeworth is obnoxious, loves explosions, and doesn't have many friends. Naturally, the two opposites make a great team. Renting a house from Barry, Mick and his wife Maggie are a happy couple raising their son Hunter. Life seems pretty swell, that is, until women in the area start going missing. Believing she has witnessed a murder by a masked monster, Maggie becomes paranoid and the Hedgeworth family begins to unravel. Who, or what, is this masked monster, and what will become of Barry and the Hedgeworth family? Written by Anonymous

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