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Anime Series Nanbaka (2017) (2016)

Nanbaka (2017)

Original name: Nanbaka (2017)
Genre: аниме, мультфильм, боевик, драма, комедия, приключения
Year: 2016
Country: Япония
Director: Сюнсукэ Исикава, Хидэтоси Такахаси, Масато Сато
Cast: Юто Уэмура, Тэцуя Какихара, Даики Кобаяси, Кэито Окуяма, Аиру Сиодзаки, Сатоми Акэсака, Соитиро Хоси, Томокадзу Сэки, Ё Таити, Сюнсукэ Такэути
World Premiere: 2016-10-05
Duration: 23 мин.
kinopoiskrating6.95 imdbrating6.5 rating 0
2020-05-29 12:23:11
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 12:23 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Welcome to Nanba, the world's largest and most impenetrable prison. Locked away in Cell Block 13 are four inmates - pill-popping Nico, burly food-loving Rock, gambling charmer Uno and Jyugo, who was born at Nanba and has made more escapes than any other prisoner there - who provide more than enough trouble for the tough Officer Hajime. Follow them and their numerous adventures within the walls of Nanba.

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