Zafer, a sailor living with his mother Döndü in a coastal village in Izmir, has just broke up with his girlfriend Mehtap whose father is also a sailor. While Döndü and her friend, Fahriye try to help Zafer ...
Children who play constantly with their phones now seem to have forgotten to play on the street. At the insistence of new friends, children decide to play in the park again to end this course. But there is ...
Сулейман из турецкой бригады «Северная звезда», которая принимала участие в Корейской войне в составе американской дивизии из войск ООН, спасает замерзающую корейскую девочку, называет её Айлой и берёт к се...
Безумная и открытая Делиха постоянно вляпывается в новые неприятности. Теперь она ищет путь, как сделать карьеру. Мечтая стать шеф-поваром, она начинает работать в ресторане. Сможет ли Делиха достигнуть жел...
Again a cheerful comedy by Ata Demirer and Demet Akbag that takes place in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. In the story, which begins in Istanbul and continues on the island of Gökçeada, Ata Demirer pl...
Can the excitement of the national lottery save a finished marriage? Or is it the end of that marriage? In this fun comedy, Demet and Okan will learn the answer to this question.
Deniz goes to Izmir when she sees the danger of losing her great love Emre,who has not succeeded in forgetting. Melisa, who is competing to steal Emre's heart.
The sequel to Yol Arkadasim from 2017. Onur and Seref have become both housemates and colleagues within a year. Seref is not successful in managing the song career of Onur.
At the age of 35, Ece is the assistant general manager of a company that produces baby diapers. There is a happy relationship with her lover Alper. Because of Ece, they can not get married. At this very mom...
25-летняя Сибель живет со своим отцом и сестрой в уединенной деревне в горах Черноморского региона Турции. Сибель немая, но она общается, используя родовой свистящий язык области. Отвергнутая односельчанами...
08 March 2020, 14:02 4
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