Голиаф расположен в небольшом промышленном городке где-то в Швеции. Когда Роланда приговаривают к тюремному заключению, его сын, 17-летний Кимми, должен обеспечить семью, взяв на себя преступный бизнес его ...
Since early childhood, Björn has secretly carried an insurmountable fear. When his father dies of old age, he and his four sisters are each left with a video message, that makes him question everything. Dir...
On the eve of June 28th, 2011 Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson put everything at stake by illegally crossing the border from Somalia into Ethiopia. After months of research, planning an...
Nineteen-year-old Vera Kall cycles home through the night. She arrives at a farm, leaves her bike and sneaks quietly in through the door. She enters the kitchen and doesn't even have time to notice that she...
What is a human life worth? How is it possible that a woman like Agnes could agree to kill another human being? Is it the money? Or are there other forces at play? A funeral. A young widow and two adult chi...
Louise loved Adam. Adam loved Louise. That is how it used to be. But a child has disappeared. Their child. The police said it was a drowning accident. Yet the truth is that their little boy's body was never...
Sune's class is going on a secret school trip. Sune and Sophie are really looking forward to spending time together when Sune suddenly realizes that Grandpa Helmer's wedding is the same weekend. Panic. Clas...
Карл Аугуст Нильсен, современный датской музыкант, родился в деревне Нёрре Линдельс на острове Фюн. Его отец был маляром, но также умел играть на скрипке и часто сопровождал деревенские праздники. В восемь ...
Трагическая смерть соседского мальчишки не кажется Смилле Ясперсон обычным несчастным случаем. Начав расследование, она интуитивно продвигается в верном направлении, вынуждая противника идти на крайние меры...
25 April 2020, 18:50 4
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