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Movie Au plus près du soleil (2015)

Au plus près du soleil

Original name: Au plus près du soleil
Genre: драма
Year: 2015
Country: Франция
Director: Ив Анжело
Cast: Сильви Тестю, Грегори Гадебуа, Матильда Биссон, Захари Шассерьо, Джон Арнольд, Паскаль Тернизьен, Тома Доре, Родольф Конье, Флоренс Йанас, Stéphane Colombe
World Premiere: 28 августа 2015
Duration: 103 мин. / 01:43
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.2 rating 0
2020-01-30 01:07:08
Added: Only-HD Date: 30 January 2020, 01:07 Views: 6 Comments: 0
Investigating magistrate Sophie learns that Juliette, a woman who she is questioning in regards to an ongoing case, is the biological mother of Léo, her adopted son. Despite her magistrate husband Olivier's disapproval, Sophie refuses to withdraw from the case so that she can continue her probe on her, whilst hiding the truth from Léo. Appalled by Sophie's decision, Olivier decides to secretly approach Juliette without revealing his true identity and ends up going to bed with her.

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