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Movie Hiroshima (1953)


Original name: Hiroshima
Slogan: «the shocking story behind the most ravaged city on earth!»
Genre: драма, военный
Year: 1953
Country: Япония
Director: Хидэо Сэкигава
Cast: Эйдзи Окада, Юмэдзи Цукиока, Ёси Като, Такаси Канда, Исудзу Ямада, Токуэ Ханадзава, Кэндзо Каварадзаки, Сидзуэ Каварадзаки, Хатаэ Киси, Эйтаро Мацуяма
Budget: $240 000
World Premiere: 7 октября 1953
Duration: 104 мин. / 01:44
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2020-01-28 00:07:42
Added: Only-HD Date: 28 January 2020, 00:07 Views: 1 Comments: 0
To win the war the Americans drop two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Hiroshima is the story of the former seen through the eyes of the targetted civilians in general and the children in particular as they live amidst the war, are then victims of the atomic bomb and subsequently have to try to subsist in the aftermath - if they were not one of the 100,000 corpses that is. Written by aghaemi

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