Home / Боевик / Za karate 3: Denkô sekka

Movie Za karate 3: Denkô sekka (1975)

Za karate 3: Denkô sekka

Slogan: He turned the Olympic contest into a game of death.
Genre: боевик, комедия, драма
Year: 1975
Country: Япония
Director: Юкио Нода
Cast: Men-Jo Chong, Дэйл Фергюсон, Steve Fisher, Йоко Хорикоши, Gorian Huddert, Масафуми Сузуки, Альберт Тасо, Джимми Ямасиро, Синго Ямасиро, Тадаси Ямасита
World Premiere: 15 января 1975
Duration: 81 мин. / 1:21
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2020-04-01 09:34:50
Added: Only-HD Date: 01 April 2020, 09:34 Views: 5 Comments: 0
A Japanese American living in Ohio with his grandmother heads to Japan to enter Master Suzuki's international karate tournament with the hope of winning the $50,000 prize in order to save the farm.

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