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Movie Sekretnoe oruzhie (2019)

Sekretnoe oruzhie

Original name: Sekretnoe oruzhie
Genre: военный, история
Year: 2019
Country: Россия
Director: Костя Стат
Cast: Александр Устюгов,
Duration: 97 мин. / 01:37
kinopoiskrating5.62 imdbrating0 rating 0
2020-03-18 01:01:12
Added: Only-HD Date: 18 March 2020, 01:01 Views: 1 Comments: 0
The film tells about the famous Soviet rocket launcher nicknamed "Katyusha", which was kept in great secrecy during World War 2. One of these unique killing machines has drowned during an unexpected retreat of the Russian troops. A special unit is sent to rescue the secret weapon that the Germans can never find - no matter what it takes .

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