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Series A l'intérieur (2018)

A l'intérieur

Original name: A l'intérieur
Slogan: Faced with other people's madness
Genre: триллер, криминал
Year: 2018
Country: Франция
Director: Винсент Ланно
Cast: Флер Жеффрие, Изабель де Гертог, Беатрис Даль, Эмили Декьенн, Яэль Абекассис, Изабель Канделье, Ноэми Шмидт, Антуан Гуи, Флоранс Томассен, Милен Демонжо
World Premiere: 13 сентября 2018
kinopoiskrating6.4 imdbrating6.1 rating 0
2020-05-23 09:45:12
Added: Only-HD Date: 23 May 2020, 09:45 Views: 63 Comments: 0
A violent crime was perpetrated in a mental health facility. The victim, Ana, 28, had been committed against her will and was due to leave the institution the day following her murder. Instead, she was found smothered to death and - with her heart ripped out. Angèle, 29 years old, a young and brilliant police officer, is in charge of the investigation and investigates alone for her first case. Most police officers are disturbed by 'mad' people, but she finds the inmates engaging, lively and amusing, maybe more so than 'normal' individuals. Yet the case baffles her. Who can she trust? What is the relationship between staff and patients? And what are the secrets of the psychiatrist couple who run the place? Are there clues in Ana's diary, found half-destroyed? Is she dealing with the crime of an insane person or of a "normopath", perfectly lucid, trying very hard to make it look like the act of a lunatic? The inquiry shakes Angèle's grip on reality, driving her to the brink of madness -... Written by Happy_Evil_Dude

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