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Movie Twisted Pair (2018)

Twisted Pair

Original name: Twisted Pair
Slogan: «A Neil Breen Film»
Genre: фантастика, фэнтези, триллер, драма
Year: 2018
Country: США
Director: Нил Брин
Cast: Нил Брин, Sara Meritt, Siohbon Chevy Ebrahimi, Denise Bellini, John Smith Burns, Брэд Стейн, Marty Dasis, Art Freeman, Greg Smith Burns, Ada Masters
World Premiere: 3 октября 2018
Duration: 89 мин. / 01:29
kinopoiskrating5.53 imdbrating4.7 rating 0
2020-03-08 05:44:18
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 05:44 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Identical twin brothers become hybrid A.I (artificial intelligence) entities, yet torn in different directions to achieve justice for humanity.

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