Три подношения в элитной школе Пелита Бангса окутаны тайной. По слухам они нужны для упокоения душ учеников, которые покончили жизнь самоубийством из-за травли со стороны сверстников.
Ещё ребенком Санчака потерял родителей отец погиб, отстаивая права рабочих, а мать уехала на заработки и не вернулась с тех пор мальчик выживал самостоятельно. Нелегкая жизнь на улице научила ...
Ayudia (Vanesha Prescilla) and Ditto (Adipati Dolken) have been best friends for 12 years. And for all those times, Ditto has been secretly in love with her. Until one day, Ayudia told him that she's gonna ...
Every family has a secret. Angkasa (Rio Dewanto), Aurora (Sheila Dra) and Awan (Rachel Amanda) are siblings who live in happy-looking families. After experiencing her first major failure, Awan meets Kale (A...
The return of Sarah (Cornelia Agatha) with Dul (Rey Bong) to Jakarta, welcomed happily by the Doel family (Rano Karno). But it also makes Zaenab (Maudy Koesnaedi), Sarah, and Doel confronted with decisive c...
Rafa, a successful contractor, is having a baby with his wife, Farah. But things get strange when the birth of the baby is unnormal and a lot of mysterious things happen around Rafa and Farah.
Обычный филиппинский парень ДжейСи вынужден принять семейный бизнес и руководить приютом для мигрантов под патронажем правительства. Предполагается, что в учреждении посетители должны получать документы, но...
As the youngest child who has never known her mother, Tasya (Gabriella Quinlynn) feels lonely. Unintentionally she watched an old videotape owned by his father, Ferdi (Lukman Sardi), who had communicated wi...
We only know the end of the story...and that's just the beginning.
13 May 2020, 00:03 0
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