The drama tells the story of the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the country created a flourishing world, Yangwei overseas, after the Five Emperors and Six Dynasties, a hundred years of star-studded shinin...
Gu Hai Tang is a beautiful young woman of marriageable age. In search for her father's whereabouts, she arrives in Kunyang and encounters Yue Xuan, the Lang Family's second son. An argument between them get...
After their family was wrongfully persecuted due to the machinations of a corrupt official, Dugu Jia Luo held strict expectations for herself to be independent and strong even at a young age. Her husband Ya...
Set in Tang Dynasty, an eve before the Lantern Festival. Suspicious people infiltrated the empire's capital. In order to keep the capital safe, a talented fellow trusted by royal prince and a prisoned forme...
Бутылек с духами, благоухающими жасмином, мог бы рассказать немало тайн, связанных с четырьмя поколениями семьи, в которой любовь не задерживалась надолго, а дочери и матери никогда не понимали друг друга.
Mikoto is an orderly in the emergency ward of a hospital. He has an extraordinary ability. He can see the time of death of someone should he touch that person. He is in love with his older step-sister and s...
It's about Zhang Baoqing, a young man who came a long way to Dongbei and tried to find the cure for his teacher, but found himself might already involved in something very dangerous that seemed to connect t...
29 May 2020, 23:36 0
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