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The police superintendent, disguised by black suits (IRish), checked that Conan and Shinichi are 98% identical! Conan is getting into danger...! Would that police superintendent tell Gin about this news? Ra...
29 May 2020, 23:49 0
In Tokyo, two new skyscraper are built. Conan and his friends get a private tour of these new buildings. A few days later Ohki Iwamatsu, a builder of the towers, was found killed in his apartment. Now the s...
29 May 2020, 23:48 0
Маг, женщина-доктор, бандит, профессор археологии, полицейская, наркоторговец и бизнесмен... Вот такая разношёрстная компания оказалась по неизвестной причине на изолированном от цивилизации острове. Заснул...
29 May 2020, 20:12 0
Nube gets a new student called Jun Kagami, a shy boy who has just transferred to Doumori Elementary School. Due to his insecurities, Jun believes that his only friend is a mysterious clown entity that lives...
29 May 2020, 20:01 0
Kumiko Ijima is a very timid girl who happens to recognize a murderer still in pursuit at a park. With the help of her friend Kyoko Inaba, she warns the police about the wanted man. After trying to escape t...
29 May 2020, 20:01 0
After trying to pull off a heist, Lupin encounters a group of killers called the Tarantulas. One of them so happen to have his long lost special Wather P38, he once own. Lupin decides to investigate by goin...
29 May 2020, 18:06 0
Lupin has his eye set on a set of unique photographic plates, which hold the key to an ancient treasure dating back to the Edo period. These plates are in the keeping of Michael Suzuki, a multi-millionaire ...
29 May 2020, 16:36 0
О жестоком детстве и борьбе за выживание школьников-изгоев с одноклассниками-садистами, мучающими тех, кто слабее.
29 May 2020, 16:13 0
В «Легенде о Браслете» реальные люди играют в видеоигру и перевоплощаются в различных персонажей, им это нравится, они там находят друзей, собирают команду, путешествуют. Тут нам встречаются все самые извес...
29 May 2020, 15:48 0

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