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Movie Riding Faith (2020)

Riding Faith

Original name: Riding Faith
Genre: семейный
Year: 2020
Country: США
Director: Paco Aguilar
Cast: Грэйс Ван Дин, Jimmy Deshler, Naomi Koningen, Мариса Браун, Джон Шнайдер, Джо Чакон, Картер Рой, Т.С. Сталлингс, Jack Emmel, Nadja Sofi
World Premiere: 3 марта 2020
Duration: 81 мин. / 1:21
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating4.5 rating 0
2020-04-19 09:02:31
Added: Only-HD Date: 19 April 2020, 09:02 Views: 0 Comments: 0
A young girl has it all-a beautiful ranch, a horse named Faith, and the love of her family. But after the death of her military father, she and her mother are in danger of losing their family ranch too. With a little help from friends and their majestic white horse, they hatch a plan to raise enough money to save the ranch while learning to never lose hope, despite all odds.

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