Home / Аниме / Gekijouban Dêto a raibu: Mayuri jajjimento

Anime Gekijouban Dêto a raibu: Mayuri jajjimento (2015)

Gekijouban Dêto a raibu: Mayuri jajjimento

Original name: Gekijouban Dêto a raibu: Mayuri jajjimento
Genre: аниме, мультфильм, мелодрама, комедия, фантастика
Year: 2015
Country: Япония
Director: Кэйтаро Мотонага
Cast: Симадзаки Нобунага, Марина Иноуэ, Мисудзу Тогаси, Сора Амамия, Аяна Такэтацу, Иори Номидзу, Асами Санада, Маая Утида, Минори Тихара,
World Premiere: 22 августа 2015
Duration: 72 мин. / 01:12
kinopoiskrating6.58 imdbrating6.4 rating 0
2020-03-06 22:00:02
Added: Only-HD Date: 06 March 2020, 22:00 Views: 0 Comments: 0
A huge sphere suddenly began to emit a mysterious spiritual wave in Tengu City and disrupts its peace. A mysterious, beautiful girl showed up at the same time. Secretly, what is her purpose to cast her line of sight to Shido and the others?

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