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Movie Mapado 2 (2007)

Mapado 2

Original name: Mapado 2
Genre: комедия
Year: 2007
Country: Корея Южная
Director: Ли Сан-хун
Cast: Ли Мун-щик, Ким Джи-ён, Ё Ун-ге, Ким Ыль-дон, Ким Хён-джа, Киль Хэ-ён, Ли Гю-хан, Чо Хён-ги, Чу Хён, Ким Су-ми
World Premiere: 19 января 2007
Duration: 111 мин. / 01:51
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.2 rating 0
2020-03-08 23:12:15
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 23:12 Views: 6 Comments: 0
Always looking to strike it rich, NA Chung-soo finally gets his chance. All he needs to do is find Kot-nim, the first love of a mysterious millionaire. He merrily treks down to Dongbek Island - the millionaire's hometown - but he and fellow traveler Gi-young, find themselves shipwrecked after a storm, waking up on a remote island. It's Mapado, the very island Chung-soo has terrible memories of. Written by CJ Entertainment

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