Home / Мелодрама / Wo men bu neng shi peng you

Series Wo men bu neng shi peng you (2019)

Wo men bu neng shi peng you

Original name: Wo men bu neng shi peng you
Genre: мелодрама
Year: 2019
Country: Тайвань
Director: Кай Фенг
Cast: Джаспер Лю, Пафф Го, Стивен Сунь, Нита Лэй, Фиби Юань, Elaine Ho, Leo Lee, Pei-Hsun Li, Оранж Па, Mu Chen
World Premiere: 2019-05-31
Duration: 90 мин. / 1:30
kinopoiskrating7.72 imdbrating7.3 rating 0
2020-05-29 08:42:38
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 08:42 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Wrong encountering, ignites the fatal spark. If they should be neither lovers, nor friends, how should they be?

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