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Series A Dona do Pedaço (2019)

A Dona do Pedaço

Original name: A Dona do Pedaço
Slogan: She may lose everything. Except the courage to move on
Genre: драма, мелодрама, комедия
Year: 2019
Country: Бразилия
Director: Амора Маутнер, Лучиано Сабино
Cast: Жулиана Паэс, Маркус Палмейра, Агата Морейра, Рейнальдо Джанеккини, Паола Оливейра, Наталия Дилл, Сержио Гизе, Кайо Кастро, Мэлвино Сальвадор, Дебора Эвелин
World Premiere: 2019-05-20
Duration: 60 мин. / 1:0
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.9 rating 0
2020-05-30 00:49:00
Added: Only-HD Date: 30 May 2020, 00:49 Views: 7 Comments: 0
Maria da Paz is a committed baker who becomes a wealthy businesswoman twenty years after a tragedy strikes on the day of her wedding to Amadeu. From this broken union a baby is born, Jô, who seeks power and despises her mother's humble origins. Afraid that her parents' reunion might spoil her plans, Jô starts an alliance with the charming Régis to convince Maria to marry him and, together, they plan to steal all of Maria's fortune. In this exciting telenovela written by Emmy Awards winner Walcyr Carrasco, Maria's optimism must be stronger than Jô's ambition when the baker finds out about the betrayal and her own daughter's dangerous secrets.

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