Home / Ужасы / Taste Me: Death-scort Service Part 3

Movie Taste Me: Death-scort Service Part 3 (2018)

Taste Me: Death-scort Service Part 3

Slogan: «They're the Escorts with BITE!»
Genre: ужасы
Year: 2018
Country: США
Director: Крис Вудс
Cast: Eight The Chosen One, Эшли Линн Капуто, «Sushii» Xhyette Holder, Боб Глэйзер, Кейтлин Дэйли, Katie McKinley, Джо Маковски, Gia Love, Джоэль Д. Винкооп, Krystal Pixie Adams
World Premiere: 25 августа 2018
Duration: 105 мин. / 01:45
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.2 rating 0
2020-03-08 16:26:28
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 16:26 Views: 5 Comments: 0
There's a killer on the loose and they're strangling hookers mostly from an escort service called Tasty Chicks. Police are on the case and are trying to track down the killer. Meanwhile a drifter is picked up by one of the hookers after he saves her from an abusive john. He is brought back to their whorehouse after he was shot by the john and is nursed back to health. He is offered a job to protect the girls from the killer targeting them. But he soon discovers something is strange going on in the house and there is more of a threat than just the strangler on the loose. Written by Chris Woods

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