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Series Vår tid är nu (2017)

Vår tid är nu

Original name: Vår tid är nu
Genre: драма
Year: 2017
Country: Швеция
Director: Харальд Хамрелль, Anna Zackrisson, Андреа Остлунд, ...
Cast: Хедда Штайнстед, Чарли Густафссон, Адам Лундгрен, Йозефин Нельден, Анна Бьелькеруд, Расмус Троедссон, Маттиас Нордквист, Сюзанн Рейтер, Каролина Сёдерштрём, Питер Далле
World Premiere: 2 октября 2017
Duration: 60 мин. / 01:00
kinopoiskrating7.55 imdbrating8.2 rating 0
2020-03-07 07:35:44
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 07:35 Views: 4 Comments: 0
May 1945, the peace is proclaimed all over Europe. The Löwander family runs their old fashioned restaurant in Stockholm, but the small amount of guests worries them. The eldest son, Gustaf, is willing to resort unconventional methods to solve their problem. But his brother Peter who suspicious of him is rather a bigger threat. Meanwhile, their naive little sister Nina runs into a stranger who she share an impulsive kiss with, a kiss that will cause her consequences. Calle Svensson makes an attempt to become one of DK's scullions to provide for his family, but his grumpy old chef is not making it easy for him. Margareta, who is working in the waitress, is struggling with getting her three year old son back to her at the same time as a forbidden love makes her position more complicated.

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