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Series Squinters (сериал 2018 – 2024) (2018)

Squinters (сериал 2018 – 2024)

Genre: драма, мелодрама, комедия
Year: 2018
Country: Австралия
Director: Аманда Бротчи, Трент О’Доннелл, Кристиан ван Вуурен, ...
Cast: Сэм Симмонс, Джастин Росниак, Андреа Деметриадес, Мэнди МакЭлхинни, Rose Matafeo, Адам Цвар, Уэйн Блэр, Jenna Owen, Сьюзи Юссеф, Тим Минчин
World Premiere: 7 февраля 2018
Duration: 23 мин. / 0:23
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.4 rating 0
2020-03-07 13:50:09
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 13:50 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Squinters follows commuters in peak hour transit as they drive to work. The title Squinters, refers to the fact that the commuters are facing the sun as they head east from Sydney's western suburbs in the mornings, and then also face into the sun in the afternoons on the way back to the western suburbs.

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