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Cartoon Xing fu lu shang (2017)

Xing fu lu shang

Original name: Xing fu lu shang
Slogan: «Does our dream always come true as we expected?»
Genre: мультфильм, драма, семейный
Year: 2017
Country: Тайвань
Director: Сун Синьинь
Cast: Квай Луньмэй, Вэй Тэшэн, Чэнь Бочжэн, Ляо Хуэйжэнь, Bella Wu, Giwas Gigo, Chia-Hsiu Li, Penny Huang, Alan Hsu,
World Premiere: 15 октября 2017
Duration: 111 мин. / 01:51
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.2 rating 0
2020-03-05 15:49:52
Added: Only-HD Date: 05 March 2020, 15:49 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Chi earned her American dream after persevering with her studies in Taiwan. Following her grandmothers' death, Chi returns to her family on Happiness Road, where she begins to feel nostalgic about her childhood and starts to contemplate the meaning of "life" and "home". What is happiness? Will Chi find her own happiness?

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