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Movie El desentierro (2018)

El desentierro

Genre: триллер, криминал, детектив
Year: 2018
Country: Испания, Аргентина
Director: Nacho Ruipérez
Cast: Мишель Нойер, Леонардо Сбаралья, Хан Корнет, Елена Йованова, Несрин Джавадзаде, Арбен Байрактарай, Cristina Fernandez, Алекс Франко Хорхе, Франсеск Гарридо, Sanghmitra Hitaishi
World Premiere: 10 ноября 2018
Duration: 105 мин. / 01:45
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.3 rating 0
2020-03-08 05:18:27
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 05:18 Views: 0 Comments: 0
The sudden appearance of an Albanian woman (Vera) in a coastal town causes that Jordi, recently arrived from Argentina to attend the funeral of an important Minister, decides to investigate the past of his father Pau, who disappeared 20 years ago and whom everyone has left him for dead. Diego, his cousin, son of the deceased Valencian politician and now turned into a wandering writer who lives retired in a village in Perpignan, helps him. Together they will go against the clock to find Pau, who tried to escape from the country with Tirana, Vera's mother, in order to help her free herself from the criminal organization that had subjected her to the practice of prostitution.

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