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Series Living the Dream (сериал 2017 – 2025) (2017)

Living the Dream (сериал 2017 – 2025)

Genre: драма, комедия
Year: 2017
Country: Великобритания
Director: Сауль Метцштайн, Филиппа Лангдэйл, Энтони Филипсон
Cast: Джон Кросби, Рози Дэй, Филип Гленистер, Лесли Джордан, Брэнок О’Коннор, Лесли Шарп, Реджина Кертэйн, Паула Уилкокс, Дэвид де Фриз, Skylar McNamee
World Premiere: 2 ноября 2017
Duration: 60 мин. / 01:00
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.8 rating 0
2020-03-07 05:28:47
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 05:28 Views: 3 Comments: 0
Mal's bought an RV Park with plans for a booming family-run business, but it soon turns out that they are not going to be living the dream they hoped. Before they've even settled in, Mal discovers that the park is home to a group of eccentric residents who are not exactly thrilled to meet their new owners. Meanwhile, Jen has to learn how to survive American suburbia and the kids have to navigate a US high school. With culture clashes aplenty, life in Britain soon seems even further away than they'd thought it would. But with the support of each other and their crazy new friends, they begin to learn how to live the American dream.

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