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Duration: 88 мин. / 1:28
Three strangers from different backgrounds find themselves trapped inside a confined mansion, and as they run low on resources they soon figure out the only way to escape is for one to kill the other two.
29 May 2020, 17:50 1
A comedy based around the lives of the long suffering Beth and Eric, a normal Glaswegian couple and their insufferable neighbours, who keep turning up uninvited into their house. Each one of these neighbour...
29 May 2020, 17:25 1
Наступает Новый год, и в разных уголках земного прошлого пробуждается страшное зло. Доктор, Райан, Грэм и Ясмин возвращаются домой — смогут ли они защитить планету Земля от грозящей ей опасности?
29 May 2020, 17:20 1
Hollywood media mogul Harvey Weinstein becomes a catalyst for the MeToo Movement. Contains testimonials from those who knew him well such as Hillary Clinton, Emma Thompson, Heather Kerr, Ashley Judd, Rose M...
29 May 2020, 16:50 1
People think they have Camille Logan nailed: daddy's girl, beautiful, spoiled young woman with her father's bank balance to fund her lifestyle. But Camille is determined to have a life free from his strings...
29 May 2020, 16:03 3
This 50 minute documentary is edited from the full 60,000 hour version. There is a popular theory that it takes at least 10,000 hours of focused practice for a human to become expert in any field. But in Ja...
29 May 2020, 15:41 2
A devastating loss finds four friends navigating love, life and the canals of southern England.
29 May 2020, 15:40 0
80's inspired John Carpenteresque Action. A young woman is forced to push past her worst fears and battle to deport an ancient entity back to where it came from. Set inside an underground military base know...
29 May 2020, 15:21 1
Кинорежиссер Бенджамин Оливер снял свой второй фильм и теперь нервозно ожидает премьеры. Он живет в уютной квартире с голубым диваном, проектором и кошкой; смотрит видео с монахом на Youtube и не любит посе...
29 May 2020, 13:44 0
Италия, 1970-е. Харизматичный арт-критик Джеймс Фигерас и привлекательная американка Беренис Холлис приезжают в роскошное поместье у озера Комо на севере Италии. Его владелец, адвокат и коллекционер искусст...
29 May 2020, 13:06 1

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