It follows a career-oriented girl whose priorities have always been clear for her, even if it compromises the things she really wants to do. When a typhoon worsens while she's at work, she finds herself tra...
It was love at first sound when Adela Johnson (Sue Ramirez), an experienced prostitute, met Ram (RK Bagatsing), a newbie call boy, as they had loud paid sex separately in adjacent motel rooms. They came, th...
In 1973 Vietnam, gas bombs are dropped on villages, killing men, women, and children. Two downed American pilots, accused of the bombings, are captured and tortured. Both men give name, rank, and serial num...
Daring escapes, hilarious stunts-and danger turn a Hollywood director's world upside down when he meets a band of street kids living in the slum. Inspired by true events, experience the adventures of street...
Два сводных брата, у одного из которых аутизм и шизофрения, и их американский друг встречаются, чтобы обсудить важные вопросы. Но тут группа головорезов влезает в дом и берет их в заложники.
When Jennifer Laude, a Filipina transwoman, is brutally murdered by a U.S. Marine, three women intimately invested in the case--an activist attorney, a transgender journalist and Jennifer's mother)--galvani...
2050-й год. В Лос Анджелес, поделенный на сферы влияния враждующих уличных группировок, приезжает Алекс Дэнко. Молодой человек надеется найти своего брата Джонни, который зарабатывает на жизнь участием в бо...
08 March 2020, 21:42 3
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