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Фильм A risky revenge (2019)

A risky revenge

Слоган: «MeToo? She going to get you!»
Жанр: криминал
Год: 2019
Страна: Нидерланды
Режиссер: Паул Рювен
В ролях: Max Croes, Golda de Leon, Gonny Gaakeer, Дженни Хсиа, Ричард Мессина, Nadia Poeschmann, Efrayim Sener,
Премьера Мир: 4 ноября 2019
Длительность: 80 мин. / 01:20
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating0 rating 0
2020-03-08 12:50:07
Добавил: Only-HD Дата: 08 марта 2020, 12:50 Просмотры: 0 Комментариев: 0
A Chinese detective writer (Jenny Hsia) has a risky plan to help women revenge their unpunished rapists. #MeToo? Let's take action. Inspired by Hitchcock's "Strangers on a train" (for a perfect alibi) and Michael Mann's "Collateral" (take a cab to "justice"). With "A risky revenge" Paul Ruven (twice selected for Berlinale) has made his most urgent, relevant and experimental movie. There was no "normal" cameraman, on purpose, to get different shots. There is no normal editing, on purpose. Every image swipes like you swipe on your iPad or smartphone. Because you see so many images every day swipe from left to right after each other, you make up stories. In "A risky revenge" your fantasy will be inspired to discover more stories around the main story in this movie, that experiments with fiction, discovering new ways to tell cinema. When you experiment, you have to be brave and willing to discover. "A risky revenge" is such a movie. Written by Robin Wynn

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