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Movie Portugal (2018)


Original name: Portugal
Genre: драма
Year: 2018
Country: Эстония
Director: Лаури Лэгл
Cast: Миртел Пола, Маргус Прангель, Jarmo Reha, Таави Ээльмаа, Anne Türnpu, Хелена Мерзин, Меелис Ряммельд, Eva Koldits, Волли Каро, Лаури Калдоя
World Premiere: 13 апреля 2018
Duration: 110 мин. / 01:50
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5 rating 0
2020-05-09 11:27:03
Added: Only-HD Date: 09 May 2020, 11:27 Views: 1 Comments: 0
This adventurous and soulful story with comedic beats is a feature film debut by acclaimed actor and stage director Lauri Lagle. Karina and Martin are in a pleasant relation where everyday life flows in an effortlessly accustomed way and no small misbehavior can shake it's rush. Life is good. Perhaps it's this perfection and frequent patterns that make them finally pose a question - is everything to be expected in life? This is a story about following the yearning of your soul. Longing for something other than the present and having the courage to be deliberately lost. The characters in the film are looking for a place of love and understanding in the world. Their journey is playful, mellow and thoroughly human. It is full of mistakes, but also possibilities for new beginnings, and colorful personalities who all share a common goal - to find happiness. Because there is only one way home, and that is to continue traveling. "Portugal" is profound and smooth like a summer's night. It is ...

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