Home / Ужасы / Depraved

Movie Depraved (2019)


Genre: ужасы
Year: 2019
Country: США
Director: Лоуренс Риггинс
Cast: Джей Хед, Керингтон Пэйн, Тара Вествуд, Бойд Кестнер, Лорен Комптон, Диана Лу, Маша Малинина, Купер Гиллеспи, Майкл Харрисон, Ана Мария Эстрада
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.2 rating 0
2020-03-31 20:45:23
Added: Only-HD Date: 31 March 2020, 20:45 Views: 6 Comments: 0
A demonic creature not of this world impregnates a woman. 160 years later a team of ghost hunters must set aside their quick buck party mentality when they discover one of their team is the offspring of the entity haunting the place - and its true target. The offspring and her friends become uneasy allies with the ghost of the mother to destroy the demon and restore harmony. Written by IvanWong

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