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Movie Meester Kikker (2016)

Meester Kikker

Genre: семейный
Year: 2016
Country: Нидерланды
Director: Анна ван дер Хайди
Cast: Yenthe Bos, Bobby van Vleuten, Ерун Шпиценбергер, Вине Дириккс, Andy Bijnaar, Thijmen Jacobs, Пауль Коий, Бьянка Кригсман, Jenahro Lewerissa, Мишель Нутер
World Premiere: 28 июля 2016
Duration: 86 мин. / 01:26
kinopoiskrating7.19 imdbrating6.3 rating 0
2020-03-07 18:34:05
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 18:34 Views: 0 Comments: 0
The classroom is astonished when their teacher tells them his big secret: sometimes he turns into a frog. Two kids see it as their task to protect his secret.. and to keep him out of the beak of a stork.

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