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Movie This Little Piggy (2017)

This Little Piggy

Genre: драма
Year: 2017
Country: Австралия
Director: Тристан Барр
Cast: Тристан Барр, Элли Бьорнстад, Бен Клементс, Джеймс Кук, Guillym Davenport, Samuel Clark Duncan, Роби Фавретто, Natascha Flowers, Emil Freund, Майкл Госден
Budget: AUD 10 000
Duration: 91 мин. / 01:31
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.7 rating 0
2020-03-08 20:20:08
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 20:20 Views: 3 Comments: 0
Simon and Ely have been best mates since high school. They live together, shop together, smoke and sell marijuana together. Ely works a "proper" job in an office while Simon sits at home wasting time. Simon spots an opportunity to expand the home business- selling harder drugs, and he secures a connection to a lucrative market through his already loyal client David. Business booms and Simon and Ely revel in the spoils. But, greed drives a wedge through 'the boys'' relationship until it disintegrates. Unforgivable betrayal leads to brutal conflict. The story isn't always told sequentially and it's interwoven with the sub-plot of David's fight for custody over his young daughter, where the "This Little Piggy" fairytale is introduced. Written by Laura Jane Turner

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