Home / Боевик / One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island No Bouken

Movie One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island No Bouken (2012)

One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island No Bouken

Original name: One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island No Bouken
Genre: боевик
Year: 2012
Country: Япония
Director: Мицуру Хонго, Хироюки Морита
Cast: Хирата Хироаки, Маюми Танака, Яо Кадзуки,
World Premiere: 15 декабря 2012
Duration: 102 мин. / 01:42
kinopoiskrating6.74 imdbrating7.1 rating 0
2020-01-29 08:38:00
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 January 2020, 08:38 Views: 0 Comments: 0
As Luffy and the crew were attacked by marine warship they were forced to use Coup de Burst to escape. Crash landing on an island the crew decided to explore while some repairing is done. Upon meeting an wax artisan and learning the truth behind the island Luffy offer his help. Written by Anonymous

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