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Movie Haunted Maze (2013)

Haunted Maze

Slogan: Play Time Is Over...
Genre: триллер, ужасы
Year: 2013
Country: США
Director: Сьюзэн Энджел
Cast: David Mingrino, Джон Бизли, Делани Дрисколл, Брайан Краузе, Чарльз Хойс, Сьюзэн Энджел, Виктория Блэкберн, Миранда Джонсон, Трой Смит, Шэйн Стайгер
Duration: 88 мин. / 1:28
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating2.9 rating 0
2020-03-31 20:40:34
Added: Only-HD Date: 31 March 2020, 20:40 Views: 4 Comments: 0
Clancy and his carnival of misfits, roll into a sleepy mid-western town for their annual Halloween festival. Some are looking for a good time. Clancy has something else on his mind.

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