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Cartoon Tsuru ni notte (1994)

Tsuru ni notte

Original name: Tsuru ni notte
Genre: мультфильм, короткометражка
Year: 1994
Country: Япония
Director: Сэйдзи Арихара
Cast: Котоно Мицуиси, Дэвид Гасман, Юка Кояма, Нобутоси Канна, Бела Грушка, Митиё Янагисава, Хиро Юки, Барбара Скафф, Карен Страссман
World Premiere: 21 января 2004
Duration: 28 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.8 rating 0
2020-01-28 10:28:43
Added: Only-HD Date: 28 January 2020, 10:28 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Japan nowadays. Tomoko, a little girl, visits the city of Hiroshima. That's where she admires the statue of a crane, symbol of peace, called the "Bird of Happiness". Suddenly, the statue starts to sparkle and even to move. Another little girl then appears through the lights, Sadako, who lived in Hiroshima after WW2. She starts telling Tomoko her story. The two little girls soon become inseparable... Written by anonymous

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