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Movie Red Swastik (2007)

Red Swastik

Original name: Red Swastik
Slogan: She cleansed with blood
Genre: триллер, драма, криминал
Year: 2007
Country: Индия
Director: Винод Панде
Cast: Шерлин Чопра, Хэрш Чхая, Дипшика, Дип Радж Рана, Кулдип Маллик, Прети Коппикар, Риши Хурана, Маной Бхаскар, Панкадж Калра, Юсуф Кхан
World Premiere: 2007-06-08
Duration: 131 мин. / 2:11
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3 rating 0
2020-05-29 23:33:36
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 23:33 Views: 5 Comments: 0
Sarika is a single mother, who lives in Mumbai, India, along with her physically challenged daughter and works as an Editor with a magazine. One day she gets a phone call from an female reader, who is upset as her submission was not printed. The caller seemed threatening and she notifies her friend, D.C.P. Chaudhary, who meets with her but is unable to provide any assistance. Then late one night Sarika gets a visit from him and Crime Branch Inspector Sunil Ranade, informing her that a businessman has been brutally knifed to death with a blood-smeared 'swastika' mark on his forehead. They inform her that they re-dialed the last number from the victim's phone number and found that it was her work number. They also informed her that they suspect that the killer is a woman, who has killed another male in Delhi in a similar fashion and her modus operandi appears to be to kill married males who are unfaithful to their respective spouses. They provide her with a recording machine just in ... Written by rAjOo ([email protected])

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