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Series The Gifted (2018)

The Gifted

Original name: The Gifted
Genre: фэнтези, драма
Year: 2018
Country: Таиланд
Director: Dhammarong Sermrittirong, Patha Thongpan, Waasuthep Ketpetch
Cast: Корапат Кирдпан, Вачиравит Руангвиват, Апичая Тхонгкхам, Рамида Джираноррапхат, Аттафан Пунсават, Чивагарун Харит, Pattadon Jan-Ngern, Чатчавит Течарукпонг, Katreeya English, Wanchana Sawatdee
World Premiere: 2018-08-05
Duration: 45 мин.
kinopoiskrating8.33 imdbrating8.1 rating 0
2020-05-29 23:24:38
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 23:24 Views: 0 Comments: 0
The class of the gifted at Ritdha High School is not what it seems, and as its students discover the amazing potential within them, a conspiracy starts to unravel.

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