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Movie Dendam Pontianak (2019)

Dendam Pontianak

Original name: Dendam Pontianak
Slogan: «Only you, forever»
Genre: ужасы, мелодрама
Year: 2019
Country: Сингапур, Малайзия
Director: Глен Гоеи, Гэвин Яп
Cast: Nur Fazura, Реми Ишак, Hisyam Hamid, Shenty Felizaina, Nadiah m Din, Намрон, Tony Eusoff, Ван Ханафи Су, Nadia Aqilah, Nik Harraz Danish
World Premiere: 29 августа 2019
Duration: 92 мин. / 01:32
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.3 rating 0
2020-03-08 16:53:06
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 16:53 Views: 2 Comments: 0
1965, Malaysia. A small village helps Khalid and Siti prepare for their wedding day. Soon after, a great darkness falls upon the village as a string of horrific deaths and supernatural happenings create widespread fear and paranoia amongst the villagers. The events force a confession from Khalid to a murder of a girl he made pregnant years before, now believed to have returned as a Pontianak. To kill this vengeful vampire, he rallies all the men of the village and sets out into the jungle to hunt her down. But can the village stop her?

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