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Movie Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway (2019)

Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway

Original name: Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway
Genre: фантастика, боевик, триллер, комедия
Year: 2019
Country: Испания, Эстония, Эфиопия, Латвия, Румыния
Director: Miguel Llansó
Cast: Daniel Tadesse, Guillermo Llansó, Аугусто Матео, Gerda-Annette Allikas, Solomon Tashe, Лаури Лэгл, Rene Köster, Ивета Поле, Арис Розенталс, Jegor Sevastjanov,
World Premiere: 7 июля 2019
Duration: 83 мин. / 01:23
kinopoiskrating6.1 imdbrating5.7 rating 0
2020-06-02 12:08:30
Added: Only-HD Date: 02 June 2020, 12:08 Views: 1 Comments: 0
CIA Agents Palmer and Gagano are tasked with the mission of destroying a computer virus called "Soviet Union". They enter the system using VR but the mission turns into a trap.

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