Home / Ужасы / Hablar con los Muertos

Movie Hablar con los Muertos (2017)

Hablar con los Muertos

Genre: ужасы
Year: 2017
Country: США
Director: Джерри Ланди
Cast: Сэл Аморе, Mike Aquilino, Frank Bucello, Ken Champlin, Bob Connelly, Даниэла Дакич, Dana De Rose, Joe Ferri, Anya Landi, Кристен Ланди
Budget: $75 000
World Premiere: 20 мая 2017
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2020-03-08 15:44:09
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 15:44 Views: 0 Comments: 0
For generations, Andy's family has had the gift of talking and communicating with ones who have passed over. A non-believer, Andy finds himself in a mystery, and only the dead can help.

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