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Series Slam Dance (2017)

Slam Dance

Original name: Slam Dance
Genre: мелодрама, спорт
Year: 2017
Country: Таиланд
Director: Осаму Кобаяси, Томоми Мотидзуки, Такэси Мори
Cast: Пурим Раттанаруангваттана, Чатаватх Паттаракампол, Кханатипаписири Корн
World Premiere: 2017-05-13
Duration: 45 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.7 rating 0
2020-05-29 20:31:26
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 20:31 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Every match has winners and losers. Rules are important for the game on the field. But what about the game outside the field? Meet the wonderful stories of the athletes in a college. Striking in and out of the field at this college, sports dance and wrestling collide. Members for both teams are required to compete for medals together. But instead, everyone will unite to overcome the challenges of the opposite sport. There are some people who take this opportunity to destroy their fellow members just because they are competitors on the field.

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