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Series Ultimate Beastmaster (2017)

Ultimate Beastmaster

Original name: Ultimate Beastmaster
Genre: игра, реальное ТВ
Year: 2017
Country: США, Бразилия, Корея Южная, Мексика, Япония, Германия
Director: Patrick McManus
Cast: Тики Барбер, Рафинья Бастос, Луис Эрнесто Франко, Inés Sainz, Андерсон Силва, Саяка Акимото, Бьянка Балти, Терри Крюс, Сара-Джейн Диас, Крис Дистефано
World Premiere: 24 февраля 2017
Duration: 55 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.2 rating 0
2020-03-06 01:03:16
Added: Only-HD Date: 06 March 2020, 01:03 Views: 3 Comments: 0
Touted as the first international competition show of its kind, "Ultimate Beastmaster" will feature six country-specific versions, with local languages, competitors and hosts from each country: the U.S., Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Germany and Japan. All 10 episodes will launch at the same time worldwide on Netflix. The series will feature 108 competitors, 18 from each country, with each hourlong episode featuring 12 contestants - two from each locale. The athletes will run a demanding new obstacle course known as "The Beast," and each episode will crown a "Beastmaster," with the nine individual winners competing against each other in the final episode of the season for the chance to become the Ultimate Beastmaster.

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