Головна / Боевик / Рам против всех

Фільм Рам против всех (1995)

Рам против всех

Оригінальна назва: Ram Shastra
Жанр: боевик, драма
Рік: 1995
Країна: Индия
Режисер: Санджай Гупта
У ролях: Джеки Шрофф, Маниша Коирала, Дипти Бхатнагар, Адитья Панчоли, Анупам Кхер, Мукеш Риши, Ану Агравал, Майя Алагх, Ишрат Али, Махеш Ананд
Світова прем'єра: 10 ноября 1995
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2020-04-08 18:01:34
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 08 квітня 2020, 18:01 Перегляди: 0 Коментарі: 0
Ram Sinha does not know that he re-write his destiny by joining the police force and at the same time make enemy with a criminal don named Dhonga the great. Dhonga swears to avenge the death of his brother and subsequent imprisonment of 5 years jail term which Ram were responsible for. Meanwhile Ram gets marry to Anjail the sister of his assistant Inspector Kavi and both are parents to a baby boy. Years pass by and Dhonga jail term finally comes to an end; it is this opportunity he is waiting for to wreck havoc on Ram and his happy family. Written by gavin ([email protected])

Дивитися онлайн Рам против всех у якості HD.


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