Головна / Illégitime

Фільм Illégitime (2017)


Рік: 2017
Країна: Франция
Режисер: Рено Бертран
У ролях: Тьерри Нёвик, Ги Маршан, Софи Куинтон, Рашида Бракни, Тео Шольби, Ритон Либман, Франсуа Лорике, Кристель Корнил, Gael Cottat, Лео Дюссолье
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.6 rating 0
2020-03-08 19:40:07
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 08 березня 2020, 19:40 Перегляди: 0 Коментарі: 0
In the suburb of Lille, Stéphane holds a tobacco shop with his father, Maurice, a retired military officer. Although feeling trapped in his marriage, Stéphane doesn't want to leave his wife, Elise, a lawyer, and is currently having an affair with Leila, a physiotherapist and mother of two. Together they hope for a better life, but everything changes when Sofiane, Leila's 15 year old son, holds up the store at gunpoint, without any knowledge of his mother's affair with Stéphane. Maurice-violently hit-pulls out a gun and shoots him. Written by Happy_Evil_Dude

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