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Movie Los adioses (2017)

Los adioses

Genre: драма
Year: 2017
Country: Мексика
Director: Наталия Беристайн
Cast: Ari Albarrán, Hayde Boeto, Рауль Брионес, Педро Де Тавира, David Gaitán, Карина Хиди, Даниэль Хименес Качо, Тесса Иа, Дэней Рейно, Luis Eduardo Yee,
World Premiere: 26 октября 2017
Duration: 85 мин. / 01:25
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7 rating 0
2020-03-08 16:27:17
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 16:27 Views: 9 Comments: 0
Rosario Castellanos is an introverted university student who doesn't seem to belong to her time. In the early 1950s in Mexico City, she is fighting to have voice heard in a society run by men. She is about to become one of the biggest female writers in Mexican literature, but her tumultuous love story with Ricardo Guerra will manifest her fragility and contradictions. At the peak of her career and her marriage, she will ignite a discussion that will mark a turning point in her life.

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